Short-course on EU funding

Numerous new and improved EU funding support schemes have been or are still to be launched, both directly from Brussels and at a national level. SMEs, innovation, competitiveness, sustainability and training are amongst the top priorities. Are you finding your way amongst all these opportunities and making the best of them?

A short course providing a practical view across the various EU funding opportunities available for the period 2014-2020, how to access and manage such, will take place over 4 afternoons between 22nd May – 1st June 2018.

Responding to interest and demand following the success of previously held sessions, this short course will be now organised for the eight time. As the number of places per intake are limited, early booking is highly recommended.

Representatives of any organisation, be it private company, public organisation, or NGO, active in the economic, educational, cultural, social or environmental sector would benefit from attending this course. Senior and middle management representatives are best placed to reap the benefits of this course, particularly those responsible for business development, implementing new projects, making capital investments or developing innovative new products, services, processes, etc.

Lecturer: Ms Anamaria Magri Pantea

Venue: People Learning, Ta’Xbiex

For further details and registration, click here

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