In her role of Women Web-Entrepreneurs Hubs (WeHubs) Malta Node Coordinator, Anamaria Magri Pantea – Managing Consultant of Ascend Consulting, is a member of the Consultative Council for Women’s Rights (CCWR) to the Malta Ministry for European Affairs and Equality (MEAE).
Following a number of discussions with CCWR, on 8th March 2019 the Honourable Minister Dr. Helena Dalli launched a public consultation so as to provide governmental entities, social partners, civil society organisations and the general public with an opportunity to provide specific proposals to Government with regard to the development of the Gender Equality Mainstreaming Strategy and Action Plan as well as the Gender Equality Mainstreaming Bill.
This strategy is to provide a medium-term vision for the enactment of gender equality measures and to establish a framework for the advancement and empowerment of women in society, both vertically and horizontally. It will provide policy direction for Governmental entities and other stakeholders, with the intention of guaranteeing high standards in this area.
Research and discussions within the CCWR have led to the identification of key areas of work for the advancement of gender equality. This to tackle gender gaps and structural barriers that persist in many areas, which perpetuate gender stereotypes and limit women’s ability to reach their full potential.
An agreement for the action plan to focus on eight pillars based on the domains included in the Gender Equality Index (GEI) of the European Institute for Gender Equality’s (EIGE), was reached between CCWR and HRID. These are:
- Right to equal treatment
- Equal access and opportunity to the workplace and the combatting of the gender pay gap
- Financial independence
- Equal access and opportunity to knowledge and education
- Co-responsibility and balance of work, private and family life
- Equal access and opportunity to positions of authority for women and men
- Equal access and opportunity to health and general wellbeing
- Intersectionality
We are glad to be contributing to the development of this Gender Equality Framework and encourage you to also make your suggestions for measures to be taken in this sense.
Please see link for the consultation questions and public consultation submission details. The deadline for sending in suggestions is 8th April 2019.